Crop Forecasting Platform
Make Better Decisions to Increase Profit
In an increasingly risky environment, planning and forecasting are at the core of any farming business success. SatFarming’s crop modeling platform supports farmers and agricultural enterprises in their daily decision making by bringing accurate and valuable inputs from the sky and the field. Our proprietary software uses a cutting-edge, multi-dimensional calculation engine combining satellite imagery, weather information, daily data collected by soil and crop sensors to provide real-time results about growth stages, biomass, nitrogen index, water balance and yield. Accurate and powerful, SatFarming makes planning, crop strategy and farming management easier.
SatFarming Processing
Benefits From Using Our Platform
Unparalleled Calculation Performance
Gain Insight Previously Unattainable
Expertise By Your Side
Minimize Uncertainty, Increase Profit
SatFarming Processing
How It Works
Real-Time Results
Test By Yourself SatFarming Performances

Yes, we mentioned EASY, FAST and POWERFUL! But it is more convincing if you see it for yourself. Contact us if you are:
- A corporation interested using SatFarming solutions.
- A Partner looking to integrate SatFarming in to your services.
- An individual farmer in need of additional feedback to manage your crops.
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